
首页 > IT业界 > 互联网世界 > Altly:又一个Facebook颠覆者出现


作者:未知 来源:TechFrom   2011-05-27 04:16
    TechFrom科技源 5.27日,我们曾在学生创业反Facebook平台Diaspora 民间集资20万起步中分析了社交网络Facebook的取代者之一,今天新型网络产品Altly,携雄厚资本而来欲做Facebook颠覆者,仍然攻打Facebook软肋,隐私问题。Altly说不定又是一代霸主产品,Facebook是社交网络代名词,而对于Altly,该叫什么名字合适?(人际网络平台Altly?)

    社交网络Facebook颠覆者 Altly 来自知名创业者Dmitry Shapiro曾创立网络电视平台Veoh



    Altly 创始人是Dmitry Shapiro,这是一位成为的创业者,曾经创立网络电视平台Veoh.com,在经过了4轮融资,高达7000万美金之后,去年2010年4月,被Qlipso收购,Qlipso.com是一个在线内容分享平台。

    Facebook颠覆者 Altly 产品思想


    Facebook is dramatically changing the way we communicate with our friends, family, business associates, and the other groups of people in our lives.

    We are pressured to become “friends” with people that we would not have had ongoing communication with prior to Facebook.

    We are also pressured to share more and more personal information with not only “friends” but “friends of friends”.

    Facebook’s privacy settings are so complex that even advanced users have a hard time configuring them, understanding who can see what, and Facebook continues to change its privacy settings without first alerting users, creating serious problems with serious consequences.

    Facebook subjugates our personal information and our digital identities, and then sells us, as products, to advertisers, without regard for our rights, and with no value to us.

    Facebook doesn’t just want to own our communications while on Facebook, but is spreading its tentacles across the entire Web with their Facebook Connect login, Facebook Like buttons, and Facebook Comments, making it practically impossible to have private use of the Internet.

    At this time there are no real alternatives to Facebook, as most people believe that no one can possibly create an alternative.

    http://Altly.com is building an alternative to Facebook, with a dramatically different view of our rights to privacy and ownership of our personal information.




    因此,Altly 将来就要解决这些问题,其核心思想是,用户在网络平台上的信息以及数据,完全归用户所有,并且能具备完全有效的控制权。


    TechFrom认为,目前社交网络的问题似乎很多人都看到了,Diaspora在做,现在Altly 又来了,其关键的问题还是如何执行,以及对产品细节的把握和用户需求的满足。对于这种产品,往往需要更多的“CHANGE”勇气,是的,改变网络,改变现状,需要打破一切,但不是破坏一切。

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